E-Learning Course Website
This e-learning course website was designed on WordPress using the Divi theme along with plugins to allow affiliate sales and course completion tracking with content protected by MemberPress.
It is designed to sell mulitple courses as well as to allow registration for a free course linked to a mailing list.
The website is visible at www.ultimatefantasywritersguide.com.

E-Learning Course Website
Landing Page
With a CTA above the fold to sign-up for a free course, the landing page then offers anyone who scrolls down a list of all available courses, ending with three non-course offerings.

E-Learning Course Website
Course Sales Page
The sales page for each course features a header matching the course content followed by a short section on the course’s benefits and results. After this, each course module is displayed with a brief description combined with a image and a second section of any bonuses. A second text area with a guarantee and a few course specifics follows before the price/buy blocks of a montly and an annual payment choice. The final section is a FAQ.

E-Learning Course Website
Payment Options
From the course sales page, the payment screen provides information on the number of payments and terms as well as provides two payment options (credit card via Stripe or PayPal).

E-Learning Course Website
Upsell After Registration
After purchasing a course or registering for the free course, students are taken to a specific upsell page with a Thank You message and special package offer.

E-Learning Course Website
Main Course Page
After purchasing, students are taken to a dashboard where they can then navigate to the course page. Courses are laid out with each module on a separate line along with an associated image.

E-Learning Course Website
Course Module
Each course module shows a header with information that matches the text on the main course page. Below that is the video module (with the video hosted on Vimeo) with any downloads beneath the video. A button to mark the module as complete that also moves the student to the next lesson is below the video.
On the right is a sidebar menu of the course with completed modules checked off once a student marks the lesson as complete. A progress bar of how much of the entire course is completed is at the bottom of the sidebar.

E-Learning Course Website
Bonus Page
Students have access to bonuses after 30 days. Until then, a “holding page” is visible that explains when the bonuses will be available and encouraging the student to focus on the main learning topic.
After 30 days, bonuses automatically become accessible and once a student marks all modules as complete, they are also automatically taken to the bonus module page so they don’t miss the extra material.

E-Learning Course Website
Special Bonus Offer
For premium courses, once a student marks all modules as complete, a completion badge appears on the main course page. Clicking on the badge takes the student to a hidden page for a coupon and special offer.

E-Learning Course Website
Course Completion and Coupon
The page where the Completion Badge leads has a video of fireworks with information on how to request a coupon good for any of the other courses, requests a testimonial about the course, and gives a button link to the All Courses page.

E-Learning Course Website
All Courses Page
Similar to the Landing Page, the all courses page lists all available courses and links to each sales page.

E-Learning Course Website
Dynamic Menus
The website has three menus depending on the status of the viewer. Anyone not logged into the website is given the Landing Page and choices of All Courses, About and Contact, and Login.
Logged in students see the Dashboard, Training, Bonuses, Account, About and Contact, and Logout.
Affiliates have access to the Affiliate Area, Account Info, About and Contact, and Logout.

E-Learning Course Website
The website has a specially designed page for student login that is upgraded and separate from the admin login page.